Monday, January 28, 2008

Piano Lesson

Taking piano lesson as of this thursday, my first lesson for the first time of my life. I make this decision one week ago, where i find i need to be expressive in a way or two. Well, I cannot make it at singing, so I decide to take up keyboard.

But with not given knowledge in music theory or instrument, the music teacher advise me to take the piano first, to have the real feel of the music or sound of the music.

Music is really something never fail amaze me, as the teacher explain, i start to wonder if i one day become so musiczed(so full of music).

Hope to be able to play beethoven pieces soon, so i will be able to feel what is he feeling at the moment at the time he is composing and playing. Feeling can not be brought with money(Yes, not even u have a trillion), so is it really priceless.

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